Has anyone thought of integrating cloud support like iCloud for Blender? Maybe you can integrate dropbox, or do an iCloud for Mac,Skydrive for Windows, Ubuntu One for Linux thing? I would make a script… if I coded Python. It would be really nice to just have a save to the cloud button in the file menu. Please share your ideas.
Well Cloud is rather vague term, seems that it includes everything nowdays. But yes I did think about it , I called the project back then “Tartara” (The prison of Titans when they were defeated by Gods according to the ancient greek mythology).
My plan was to make something like an App store for blender , for assetns of any kind, addons, models, blends etc
Dropbox is not hard to implement, dropbox is developed in python and offers a poweful API. The problem is not even code, its storage. 3d assets eat GBs like peanuts so this needs some major funding. Unless it uses P2P and it uses storage in user computers.
Pretty much how torrents work. So I personally think that taking advantage of torrent technology is way way way better than taking advantage of cloud. Because it allows you to have virtually unlimited storage. Of course the problem is that you will need substantial amount of users to reach high speed but that is not a bad compromise.
Anyway “Tartara” will be part of my project “Ephestos” ( https://github.com/kilon/pyEphestos ) when the time comes but I make no promises when that will be it.