I just got a new laptop and had no idea that Blender wouldn’t work correctly with the Intel HD 3000.
Is there any talk of support for this card? Man I sure hope so.
Very strange things when trying to select menus. It’s like you didn’t click it and then you move and you did, but not always with the same action. The strangest thing, that makes it almost unusable is when left clicking in the 3D display, you never know where the 3D cursor will end up. Very strange. I’ve tried several combinations in the redraw options with no luck.
Man I was really looking forward to using this new i7 with blender.
I’m using 2.59, Win7 64b, and this weird video card. Driver seems updated:
Hoping there are options. Any ideas?
I recently bought a new MSI laptop. No problems running anything until I used Blender and ended up with exactly what you describe - it’s like the interface is one step behind the user input. It makes Blender completely unusable. Looking through this site and others I found that the on-board Intel graphics are not well supported. Fortunately my laptop has an Nvidia card in it which I had assumed was being used when using Blender but a quick check in Properties confirmed it wasn’t. Once I swapped Blender to using the Nvidia I didn’t see this problem any more.
Sorry - not a solution per se. It seems that it would require the Blender code to add full compatibility for on-board Intel video cards.
Hey cbnewham,
Yeah your right. I sure hope blender looks at a fix. My older P4 with and ATI worked great, (but slow). Wish I had known. Blender should post a compatibility list on the download page because it’s not something usable as is. Shame, I was really looking forward to this. Intel video cards seem to be crap. o_0…
Really useless in windows with this video card. Can’t even use the damn keyboard or anything. Blender is amazingly sad.
I guess it’s goodbye to this program…Just seems like a sad excuse to not be able to use this program…
Not sure who to piss on, Intel or Microsoft…or both…
Does anyone have an explanation as to why blender will work in Ubuntu and not win7.
I mean if blender can use the Intel graphics card in one OS, why not the other?
Seems like the calls to the video driver should be pretty much the same. Just curious.
I really miss using it. Ubuntu is not a practical pipeline in my work, or fun. Rebooting isn’t practical.
Keep hoping for something.
I don’t mean to talk to myself in this thread, but I do believe this can be tracked down.
I recently downloaded a build from graphicall.org named “4033_cycles_cpu_win64.7z”. I can’t seem to find it again or know who made it. It is the ONLY build that seems to work 95% of the time. Some strange problems still trying to enter text in most all entry screens. Also it will crash every time trying to add a texture to an object with particles. But it is very usable compared to all others.
I’ve tried just about every win64 and several win32 bit builds and they all have the same weird problems with this video card.
Anyone know who did this build so I can look for his next feat of greatness? Who ever compiled this is doing something very different and blender may be able to use this information for the next release.
Thanks for reading.
Try dropping your colour depth to 16bit. We’ve had clients ring up that have bought a new computer with that graphics card in it and changing the colour depth and launching runtime projects in windowed mode seems to be the only way to get them to work.
I’m really hoping it’s just a duff set of drivers that Intel has released, and that they’ll fix it within a few months. If you find any solution to your problem then please post it here! Thanks.
Do you mean the windows display colors? I’ll check it out.
Does Win7 and Ubuntu use the same Intel drivers?
edit: OK, This seem to work at the moment. I’ll need to play some, I guess renders will have to be done separate but hey. Thanks for this tip. The ubuntu thing has me scratching my head. I works fine…
Update, the selection in edit mode went buggy. Strange erratic operation.
I just tried the new 2.6 beta2 and man, things went down hill. It’s not usable at all in 16b or 32b mode, just strange.
Not really usable in win7. I’m still curious about why it works in Ubuntu and not windows.
I wish I knew of this lack of compatibility with this graphics card. It’s my own fault though, I should have searched the forums. It seems to be a common reported problem.
Buyer remorse…
Thanks for posting your results!
Do Intel make the drivers for Ubuntu?
I have no idea about the drivers for Ubuntu. I just DL the program and installed as dual boot. I’m a newbie with Ubuntu. I just thought I would give it a shot and was surprised it worked just fine. No problems at all.
It would be more a curiosity issue when it comes to the drivers between windows and Ubuntu.
I had reported this in bug tracker and even had Ton reply with a commitment that they will be working on it, but that intel video cards are strange. I had replied back with the question as why blender is working in Ubuntu and not Win7, but no answer.
I know he is a busy man and I would never expect the Blender team to be bothered by a small number of us fools that bought a laptop with this video card. Especially with all the problems reported. I just hope after they get 2.6 released that they can look at it. As for now, Blender is not usable, and dual booting in a work flow is not an option.
I’m just hoping something will be in the plans soon.
Can you shift more memory towards your GPU? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t use dedicated memory, so i’m just thinking that if going from 32 to 16 bit makes a difference, maybe more memory can too? Check your bios.
Anyway, on my netbook i have an intel gma 4500 with win7/64 and don’t have problems with Blender.
hi ozfunghi,
I’m not sure how to change memory to the GPU like you refer to. I did see a difference on one build but the 2.6 beta2 was really bad on 16/32b video mode. I’ll have to reboot and see if something is available.
It still just kills me why it works when I boot into Ubuntu. I’m just curious and even if the Blender guys have no fix, a simple explanation as to how this works would be interesting.
I’ll see if there are options.
Interesting! I can’t really suggest to our clients to install Ubuntu so I’ll keep looking for an answer. Is it possible to take bits from the Ubuntu drivers and substitute them into the Windows drivers?
As far as I can tell from my research, it’s only the Intel HD 2000/3000 card that has this particular problem with Blender.
Check the bios of your laptop. As you turn on your laptop, either you will see some white text/numbers or the logo of the laptop manufacturer. Normally (and usually it’s indicated at the bottom of the screen) hitting DEL or sometimes F2/F1/… should bring up your bios. In your bios check to see if you find shared memory for your onboard graphics and if you can increase it. If so, do that and save and exit the bios (usually by hitting F10).
worth a try
Hi Dave,
Yea the HD 3000 is a weird one. I was looking and some Apple laptops have this card. You would think this is a good thing, but I guess not.
Must be a simple logical cause but must not enough of these cards in service to stir up the numbers enough to warrant more of a discussion.
Hope Intel sells a boat load. Can’t hurt to put a different spin on it.
I had a similar problem. I had a Lenovo Thinkpad with Intel HD 3000, but the problem was solved after upgrading to the latest drivers ( here:
Hope that helps!
My driver is updated for the Toshiba laptop from their web site. V:
I just DL the update again and same version. I wonder if I should get driver from the Intel web site. I’m a little worried to go some where other than the Toshiba update page.
Edit: I just checked with Intel web site and this is the updated driver. I’ve just about given up hope of getting this d** Toshiba and video to work with blender. groan…
Have you checked your bios?
Bios 1.40. The last update was a minor non related thingy. I’ve been checking in at the Toshiba site but the video updates are the same.
I don’t even know if this is something Toshiba or Intel will bother looking at. They probably think all the developers should work with what they give them.
Oh yea ozfunghi,
I did check for shared memory options and could not find anything that was related. Maybe not a feature with this computer. Thanks, I appreciate any tips.