intelligent engine


I work on project that I call “intelligent engine”.
The project is in the begining. The reason why I show you this example is that the file contains some usefull scripts and may by will helpfull for You.

(thanks a lot for your assistance that you gave me and I hope you will give me in a future)


Right… What’s it for? It’s cool, but I don’t understand it. :-?

this is someting like a GLTron at this time but in 3D space.
In a future it will be avatar(space) for people who will learn AI in this “project”. :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks pretty cool. I couldnt figure out how to play though. The 3d was confusing!!!

Nice idea though.

saluk wrote:

The 3d was confusing!!!

Yes, it is(this is plan).

moving in a 3D space is most interesting then in a 2D and ofcourse hard…why don’t go on with new way. :wink:
