
Something I did tonight I call “interdimensional”

click here to see it

Somewhat simple, I know, but I like it that way sometimes :wink:

Blender 2.32, internal raytracer.
All procedurals, cloud textures with colors.
I like color :smiley:


ooooh pretty to look at :smiley: tell us more specificly how you did it :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile: This for me became more of a material study than anything else, but as far as modeling goes I developed a mesh and pushed and pulled verts in optimal subsurf mode until arriving at a general shape and flow I wanted and then positioned everything at an angle to the camera that would produce some interesting irregularity in terms of perspective, so that the image bent away from you but to a hidden vanishing point… a point in the next dimension perhaps :wink: For the material I used color clouds and refraction with fresnel but without much reflection.

Thanks for checking it out.


Nice work :smiley:

Awesome. I love it.


Very nice.

What kind of mesh did you start with?

excellent work as usual robertt. I love colored clouds :smiley:

oh and nice to see that im not the only one that’s done abstract work round here :wink:

Oooh, how pretty colors. Reminds me of an soap bubble, when light hits it.

The model is neat too. :slight_smile:

Interesting render Robertt. Vaguely reminiscent of Bridget Riley

Hmmm, kinda looks like material from blossom. :smiley: wonder how that would look, not much diffrent exept for probably the dirty parts.

wow, very nice work robertt, like he said; as usual

how did you make that?

Hey Robert, great work as always! I just love all the gentle, light colours of it.

Ooooo, pretty…er…pretty! I like the colors, they’re not too harsh, and they mix perfectly with each other.

akator: Thank you :slight_smile:

block01cube: Thanks so much!

Evil Inside: Thanks :slight_smile: It started out as a plane which was then extruded, twisted, subsurfed, smoothed, then edited and rotated in portions in optimal ss mode to get the exact angle I was going for here.

Blenergetic: Thank you very much :slight_smile: Oh yeah, I’m big on abstract too :wink: I’m still working on the mostly abstract Historia project, which I hope to post later this year.

Hippie: Thanks! Yes, you’re right about the soap too :slight_smile:

GCat: Thanks, GCat :slight_smile: Yes, somewhat op artish.

rush2049200: Blossom’s textures were very complex and unique, whereas this is just some spherically mapped cloud textures, with the part of the exercise here being more of what could be done to create something visually compelling using procedural material (not a new type of material test for me, but just something different while I’m working on my F1). Still waiting to hear back from Exposé II about Blossom…

Nathan: Thank you very much, Nathan. I posted some additional details in a couple of previous replies (some in this post).

3DMantis: Thank you so much for the kind words, 3DMantis :slight_smile: I was please to see the way the colors came out in this piece in the final render. A lot of little slider tweaking to get it just right, but worth it I thought :slight_smile:

Friday13: Thanks! I’m always going for an aspect of “flow” in my work, if only at some minimal level, like in terms of composition or concept, but also wherever possible in terms of lighting and materials. I have a lot of ideas for pieces similar to this one, and I almost had another really cool one to post until I overtweaked mesh and material settings in another blend (tentatively titled “nude descending another dimension” a la Marcel Duchamp). I’m redoing that one because it’s too good a concept to discard :wink: If I render something decent from that I’ll post it.


Well said, Prismatic! :stuck_out_tongue:

Robertt: Great. Can’t wait to see that one!