I now managed to build Yaf(a)Ray + Blender for Yaf(a)Ray for OSXintel.
See here:http://graphicall.org/builds/builds/showbuild.php?action=show&id=553
Some info :
-Build with Python 2.5
-Includes a patched Blender (actual SVN-trunk ) Yaf(a)ray.UI.py and Yaf(a)ray itself.
-Yaf(a)ray installer put files to usr/local/bin and usr/local/lib and usr/local/lib/yafaray
needs additional dependencies: libpng, included as installer now
Hi hoshi
What about building it yourself !!!
Iám on Intel, so i have the lib´s for it and don´t wanna mess this up.
Some components make universal builds not possible this time.
You need sources from:
SVN, SCONS, some lib´s ( mostly included with blender )
BLENDER-SVN ( whatever version you like, but release or trunk preferred )
So you can have the actual blender-dev everytime and support the community too.
I started building few month ago and after getting a little helping hand it get´s easy now!
jensverwiebe thank you very much for the intel built, everything is working superb!
But i have some questions:
Where are the images i rendered?(cant find any image!)
What image types uses yafaray for the Export?
The mat preview is from blender or from yafaray?
Thanks a lot! This is very interesting. Could you please shortly describe how to install and run the yaf(a)ray render? Does it show up as a renderer next to Blender internal and Yafray?
@ tungee
The images are stored as usual with the “save image as…” in filemenue.
Format depends on what you set in fomat in the rendersettings (eg. jpeg…)
Same as in blender internal, you can save as anything blender supports.
Mat-preview in yafaray ui is pre-rendered by yafaray of course.( sphere )
@ morvan / all interested
Intallation precedure:
Put blender-yafaray to your blender-folder ( where your “normal” blender resides )
Put yafaray_ui.py to you pythonscripts-folder
run the Yaf(a)Ray-Installer.mpkg, installs yafaray-xml in usr/local/bin, 2 libs in
usr/local/lib and 22 texture-plugs in usr/local/lib/yafaray
run libpng installer, puts pnglibs to usr/local/libs ( needed )
Old yafray will be not overwritten and is usable from nomal blender as usual !!!
usr/local… is invisible by default, comand-shift-G: usr, to make it visible if you like to take a look inside
Set render to yafray ( this uses yaf(a)ray now ) and call scripts/render/yafaray-export
from the scriptswindow in blender. Here you tweak rendersettings, material, lights etc.
Push preview to recalculate material-preview after changes. ( the sphere )
Be aware you have to find good values for results, it´s different from old yafaray.
Hi tungee
As i have understand, yafray-exportercode in blender needs to be patched and
the .py is just extended with sunsky-feature. Should be no problem, just have
to have time to do it.
Also sollte kein Problem sein, muß mal schauen, was da vonnöten ist. Vielleicht am
Wochenende. wollte sowieso auch Blender updaten. Kann auch sein, daß lynx das
schon im SVN drin hat. Ich sag Bescheid.
Yafray is very good, I’m using it lately for my renders, it does excellent job. It’s fast and produces nice renders. I’m using windows build, but the features are the same on all platforms. Thanks for it to all.
The pythonscrips-folder is where your blender.app resides.
If you don´t have one yet, create one: name it: PythonScripts
Important too: In blender-preferences , lookup if your path to python is st correctly.
Nomally it looks like: users/your-user/blender/PythonScripts
Everything is superb!
I will post some tests within the next days.
The raydepth(render-parameters of blender-script) goes only until 20,but escpecially for glass you need more raydepth: ca.120!
it will not result in additional rendertime, if you increase the raydepth.
i think the samples of the spere and ?-light could be increased to 125samples too, its limited in the exporter to 64; results looks bit noisy in the shadows.
where is the recursive button for the pathlight?
Im not talking about IOR, jens; i kow ior>1.6 looks bad, Im talking about the parameter raydepth in the renderer-panel! try this: a simple glass material and set raydepth to 1(i mean not ior!) and then set it to 20 , you will see the one with 1 raydepth has black areas and the one with 20 rayDEpth has less black areas! but you need more in some cases.
very informative:
Regarding “recursive…” , someone must have eaten the button…:mad: