Interesting type of grass - how to make it?

Hi all,

do you have any idea how to make this type of grass on the top of these hexagon tiles (on the first image)? I’ve prepared a hexagon tile in bledner, put a grass texture on top of it (pls ignore the quality, it’s a rough draft just for testing purpose) and now I don’t know what to do next.

On the reference picture, marked in the yellow rectangle It seems to me like some kind of an “optical illusion”, I really can’t describe it but I like how it looks - I mean how tiles are overlapping over themselves with that grass, and that there are no shadows. I’d like to achieve it or at least something similar

(I’m a beginner and i’ve just started learning 3d, so i have no idea about many things right now)

Thanks for your help!

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Welcome to BA :slight_smile:
You are on the right track- that is to say, your current methodology is correct from the modeling standpoint. What you need to do now is use flat colors. All of the grass needs to be the same color for the effect you’re showing to work. Here’s a rough paint-over of your image:

Note also that your rotation is wrong, you should have a flat side facing the camera. This will make the grass on the sides look much better