I have been working on an interior scene in Blender, for the current Blender Cookie Architectural Rendering contest. This is probably my largest project to date. I hand modeled all of the objects in my scene (except for the books, which I used an addon to generate). I have just done a test render at 500 samples, and am pretty happy with how it is turning out. As you can probably tell, I still have yet to texture the table at the back, the TV shelf, the carpet, and the books. I am also planning on adding some more detail onto the walls, adding some plants, and other small decorations. Please give feedback on what I can improve on. Thanks!
Any feedback people? I really need some feedback to help improve my work. Please feel free to criticize as you like - I will take all suggestions into consideration.
My advise would be that you turn down the light on the curtain and add som texture to it. The floor looks that it have to much bump and it have to much gloss. And I think it would look nicer to have the floorboards straight angel to walls, not diagonal as now. You also nedd to add texture to the books and some more items to the sideboard.
The lamps on the wall looks a bit old fashioned compared to an otherwise modern environment, and the clock belongs in the kitchen.
Did some more work on this scene today, added materials and textures to the books (such a painful process) and the back table, changed the style of the lamps, and added some artwork instead of the clock. Here is my latest render, still at 500 samples. Do the lamps look more in place now, or are they still a bit old-fashioned? Does the artwork on the wall stand out too much? Please continue to give suggestions and feedback so I can improve my scene.
Here’s another render of the same scene, just with more samples. I managed to fix a problem with the sharp edge on the coffee table in the center. Please continue to give feedback!
This looks better but the curtain still needs some attention. Is the curtain a cloth simulation? then you must remember to apply the texture before you do the sim.
Definite improvement over what I saw in the early renders. I agree with the others that the curtain could use a texture or faint pattern to lift them up. The picture is a big improvement, but it’s frame doesn’t really work - it overwhelms the artwork. You could make the picture the focal point of the room by enlarging it to the same size as the frame, and going with a small, poster-size frame (or no frame at all, just extrude the plane the picture is on and make the resulting edges a dark grey).
As a clarification, I am not trying to make the artwork the focal point of the image - I originally wanted to make the chess set the focal point. I chose the frame because I didn’t want the artwork to overpower the rest of the scene. Do you think it is better to use the artwork and not the chess set as a focal point?
Any more ideas for improvement? I’ve not worked on this scene much in the past few days, as I don’t really know what to add. Please tell me how I can improve my scene!