Hi all, interior mapping is a real-time pixel shader technique that renders the interior of a building when looking at it from the outside, without the need to actually model or store this interior. It was developed by Joost van Dongen.
FBBDEV port the technique to OSL and i have tried to transpose with glsl node. UV atlas is unfinished and doesnt work correctly for now.
Blend avalaible here http://www.pasteall.org/blend/29875
That node setup is like a gold mine for me… Really great work, thanks for sharing !
Looking good
Still a great job! Your compositions always amazes me. :yes:
Thanks for your comments. Blend file now avalaible.
This is really very cool. No idea how you managed to sort through that node-pasta, haha!
Thanks SolarLune, blender is good for cooking. In the first version there were three times more node, i have tried to optimize the maximum. I like working with nodes, you can debug on the fly.
That blend file contains my pipe dream … Spherical mapping equation ! Really love your work, Binary !
Now going to make a probes system like Unity’s.
if I can help it’s a pleasure, I will integrate spherical mapping in the IBL 2.0.
I merged the node setups a bit, and here’s my result (world space diffuse-only IBL): http://www.pasteall.org/blend/29878
We can use this for huge opening scene!
what performance do you think we would see out of a whole city?
I dont know about performance, i will test later (im not on my computer), but it’s better to combine with lod system, interior mapping for foreground and basic material for background.
You’ve got mail!
Textures don’t show up in textured mode.
update link please.
Sorry to revive an old thread.
Is there an updated link for this?
if someone have the blend, please reupload it .
Interior mapping GLSL node material 2.75. I modified the seed value (emit random) for Blender 2.75.
whoa that’s super cool