Interior Scene with some Particle System Problems

Hey there,

here’s a project I’m working on at the moment. The goal is to get a photorealistic look but with the following restrictions:

(1.) only 300 Samples
(2.) no PostProcessing (except the Blender internal denoising function)

One problem at the moment is the collision of the particle system from the rug with the table and the blanket. Some advice how to fix this would be great!

So please give as much critiques as you can :wink:

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Have you seen how it looks without any collision with the table? It might not be necessary.
If you deem it necessary, try lowering the table from above the rug or using the Hair Edit tool.
To get the blanket to interact with the hair, you can try combing the hair down using the Hair Edit tool, and maybe supplementing with some proportional editing on the rug.

You don’t necessarily need to simulate collision, just tweak it until it feels right.

On a side note, the noise on the rug seems really strong, to the point if feels shaggy and tangled. You’ll still want noise, just try bringing down the intensity a bit. If it’s sticking straight up, comb the parent particles into a pattern where it feels like it’s been used (brush hair around where people walk, etc).