Interior Stone House

Well, i started this today, and figured i could make it a WIP. My aim here is lighting and texturing, two things i am not very good at. The focus of the scene will be the table and the objects that will be on it, the surroundings are secondary…

I am making this a WIP mainly for focus and critique, ideas and techniques for texturing and lighting…

I have my opinions about the scene as it is mainly, the walls have something wrong that i don’t like… The floor is ok, but it really depends on the lighting. The chimney and fire will also be something i am looking forward to and that i have never done…

Well here goes, hope you enjoy it as much as i’m having fun doing it!

Worked on the textures and lights today a bit… I was told the light was green… Unfortunately I am color blind, so I had things a little messed up… Got a hold of a color table with hex values and names beside the colors lol. So hopefully this looks a bit more realistic :stuck_out_tongue:

Coming next will be the wood work on the roof and the chimney.

So far I like a lot the environment, old stones and all.
I think you should try to remove the specularity from the walls and ground. It makes them look like shiny plastic. (it’s ok for the table, it looks polished)
Also, I’m not really sure, but it seems that the texture on the front wall is stretched verticaly compared to the texture on the left wall. This is a tiny detail but it looks a bit weird.

Maybe you could post images that a well lit everywhere, so we could comment on the texture and modeling - and also images with the candle-like light to have an idea of the final image, of course :wink:

Just a small update, thanks for input Rore, i brought down the spec and fixed the front wall where the chimney and fireplace will be…

Added some detail here and their. The block in the middle is just a placeholder for the future chimney so i could get an idea of how the light will react.

That’s it for today have little time to work this unfortunately, but it does inspire me :slight_smile:

Your stone walls in your latest render is looking better in contrast to the previous renders. Maybe you could add some moss to the walls. Keep us updated.

Thank’s for the input EmmanuelBarroga. I am contemplating the moss on the stone walls… This would signify a humid interior… The far wall will be full of creosalt from the smoke of the chimney and fireplace, thus less humid, where the walls meet would be the most likely area IMO for moss. I am having trouble finding references of interior walls with moss to get an idea on how it would be spread out… I am set up in Gimp ready to stencil it, just need to see how it would be in real life first…

Carrying along :slight_smile:

Well, have been working on a problem I am having with my wall… I added the chimney and with the method i have been using for the stones (plane + texture + displacement = millions of polygons) i have come across blender crashing on me because of too many polygons. So have spent the passed days seeing how i can bring poly count etc down, but keep the effect i want… So the end result is am going to make the walls stone by stone, i calculated about a thousand stones before i even get anywhere near the poly count i had with displacement maps. So here’s my first stone, i’ve made more since it’s just a preview… So back to square one essentially but’s its the only way to get the render i want :slight_smile:

Wow, good luck if you do all stone by stone :eek: :slight_smile:
You may even want to try Normal mapping instead of Displacement.
It gives better results than a simple bump mapping, and can be applied on a simple 4-vertex plane. (and I think I saw some plugins that can generate a normal map from an image, for Photoshop and Gimp)

Yeah normal maps didn’t give me the effects i wanted on the wall, the stones are all normal mapped with the least subsurf level so i gain in render performance, theirs gonna be a lot of stones, but i should be well under the poly count i had before… Here a render from yesterday, won’t be upating much as i don’t have much time, but still will work on a couple new stones everyday till i have enough to cheat and make a wall… so until next time…

I have to say: those stones are truly amazing, at least to me they are. Good job on them, and I yes, that’s a LOT of stones! haha

yes, I agree, you did a very good job on the stones, with different textures and all.
Looking forward to see the updates :slight_smile:

Maybe you should look into building the TEXTURE brick by brick, it will save a hell of a lot on polies. You could look into ambient occlusion paralax mapping (if blender supports it??) that gives a whole lot more detail than normal maps, without the massive poly count of displacement. Or if you have your heart set on the bricks, once you have the bricks layed, put in the grout (textured and a bump map would do fine here, too) and delet all the vertices you don’t need to see, makes it much easier on the old pee see.

As for that wall texture, it really looks like a cobblestone road or roofing tiles or something like that. It’s far too flat. Look at the way bricks are layed and you can see that they all conform to layers on layers, instead of big ones here and little ones there, like you have there.

Other than that, I like where this is going!

Keep blending!

@colemeister14 & @Rore: Tx guys, gets me motivated knowing i’m not doing too crappy :stuck_out_tongue:

@Brookesy: Yeah well i have me heart set on the stones at the moment. I live in France in a stone house like most french in the country side :slight_smile: I wasn’t satisfied with the wall texture either so as i once read if its made of many objects then model many objects this way i can get the detail i’m looking for.

The textures are from photos i have been taking of actual stone walls around here, call it a tribute to the fine work of the stoneworkers around here :wink:

As for the extra vertices, those stones are not fully modeled only the front and part of the edges, that keeps my count down like you suggested.

Thanks for the input, i’ll update when i have a descent wall hehe