Trying to get the hang of interiors and light setup. And starting to understand filmic, tonemapping, false color overlay… etc…
Done in Cycles denoiser…
Crit welcome
Trying to get the hang of interiors and light setup. And starting to understand filmic, tonemapping, false color overlay… etc…
Done in Cycles denoiser…
Crit welcome
Hey there, great renders. The room shot with the book shelf and chairs captures the feel of light entering a space so well. Any chance of a tutorial in any fashion? Would be really good to understand the processes in capturing light like this.
thanks, Dan
Color, light and balance are dead on. Materials look good also.
I don’t like the bathroom fixtures.
The living room needs more props. Fill up those bookcases (PITA I know) but the image will go to the next level.
Minimalist kitchen is great.
These are really good.