clear enough?
clear enough?
cube who?..
hehe cool initiative.
I think we have a world premiere here in spam control.
the only problem arises when the spammercount exceeds 365
pops into the thread in a cloud of smoke and gets out his spam-sword
Did someone say spam?!
I haven’t seen Cubey post anything for a while…I wonder if he’s taking a break.
it seems he’s takin a forced break.
I wonder what he has to say when he’s back from his sabatsday
it seems he’s takin a forced break.
aw no kiddin? lol is that what “dev/null” is all about? some haxxor terms for temp ban? that would be neat, he should get one days detention for every spam thread hes posted! its only fair to the rest of us
We don’t want to permanently ban him.
maybe he’s trying to find a date to prove my poll results wrong! LOL
ha ha ha is this for a particular reason.
or are you just being funny theeth.
anyway its all good in my books.
the forum was full of CRAP for ages.
hehe, I find great humor in this!
dreamgate wanders off giggling to herself!
I’ve been ignoring his posts for awhile.
Paradox> Oh. I’ve been flaming him. It’s easier for him to understand.
/me does a “cat CubeFan973 > /dev/mouse” on theeth’s comp.
Your mouse is now possessed by Cubefan…Bwahahaha!
Now that is plain torture. You are an eeevil person Eric. EEEEEEvil. :<
Nice initiative…
ahhh! clean air!
Oh and here I was thinking why there were not any topics started by cubie in the top 5 post… How delightfull.
Nope, just been kind of busy.
You don’t know who I am, no? (Runs off and returns dressed like Rambo) I’m your worst nightmare.
Okay, maybe not your worst nightmare, but I’m close.
ahh this should become a daily thing…
cube you’re cerainly my worst nightmare.
and marf you don’t know how lucky you are.
Strange… I thought losing your “dick,” as elYsiun calls it, would be your worst nightmare.