Intrigue project - FINISHED!

I am finally done with the Intrigue project. Here is a link to a low-quality version (626KB):

High quality version (9706KB):

  • Modeling, rendering done in Blender
  • Editing/text effects done in Premier
  • NO post-process effects applied to the video other than the text and transitions.
  • Only 3 image textures used (tree leaves, bump for reflector, licence plate)

Tell me what you think about the muisc and general layout of the video. It is designed to be an advertisment.

Special thanks to acasto for hosting the files!

I get errors trying to open it. Such as “Unexpected end of Archive” and “Incomplete Zip File”
I’m on High speed, I don’t care if it’s big.
Looking forward!

Just to let you know, the URL has been updated!

What codec ? I get only the audio in MediaPlayer here.

Codec used is DivX 5

Somebody PLEASE let me know if the links don’t work or if there are any problems playing the videos! I can’t fix it if I don’t know there is a problem. Thanks!

Works fine with the new codec.


I guess that I should say something about the clip :open_mouth:

Well, it’s an add… not as if I hadn’t seen a million already. As much as I can judge on the tiny image, it is properly done, the ride in the snow being the best (most believable) part. This so-called ultimate car doesn’t stand out much, either by it’s color or dynamism. The motion, on the whole lack firmness and should be brisk, crisp and faster. I liked how you neatly manage the time so each as to induce a feeling of anticipation for every new piece of information.