Introducing myself! New member here

Hello everyone! My name is Zeena and it’s good to meet you all. I’m an absolute beginner and I’m very excited to learn how to create 3D art and moving images. I would say I’m fairly good at traditional art, with pencils and fine lines. I am very interested in pop culture and recreating elements of it. And when I say pop culture, I mean classic films such as Scarface, La Haine, The Godfather etc, and the whole concept of pop culture in and of itself.

A medium that involves creating something that fulfils the subconscious criteria of the viewer, in order to popularise something. Pop culture is really meant to represent a collective subconscious, which reflects the common fears, desires and anxieties. This is why films such as Scarface became popular, because at its core, it represents the immigrant’s aspirations.

This is particularly why the film is so common especially with immigrant communities, particularly men who come from cultures with machismo ideals that were reflected in the film. I am very interested in creating something that has a similar effect. I’ve been doing traditional lineart for a while. And whilst I enjoy it, it is also quite limited. I also find myself wanting to create new worlds, environments, particularly ones that trigger feelings of nostalgia, intensity and impulse. So I came across blender.

It hasn’t been long since I started and I must say, the beginning stages are very frustrating and tedious! I’m still getting used to a lot of shortcuts. A lot of times I find myself thinking I should give up, but I just try to ignore the thoughts as much as possible.

It would be great to meet more of you, find out more about you all and your aspirations. I’m excited to be part of this community :slight_smile:


Welcome Zeena. Scarface is my favorite Al Pacino character by far : )

3d is in general tough in the beginning; but it’s rewarding, when in the end you get to your results. It’s like when you look at the drawings you made over time on paper; they always bear a feeling of satisfaction, independently of outcome.
My 2p is to focus on a starting area (scuplting, hard modeling, animation, your choice) and master it. There’s a lot of good material around, especially on youtube.
Welcome to the party!:cat:

hay , 3d is the tool of infinity worlds , its the right chose to do,

and welcome to the commuity

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