Inverse Kinematic for MeArm Robot (targeting Unity)

Hallo community,

I have been trying - and struggling a lot - to rig a copy of the MeArm robot that can be seen in action in this YouTube-Video.

Being a parallel-kinematic with joints that are “indirectly” driven, it is by far not as straight forward to many examples I have found online…

First I am curios if somebody could give me some insights on how a more professional person would tackle this setup

And would on top ask for feedback of what can be seen in the following pictures.
With a basic concept of how to get the setup on the lower parts of the robot working (copy rotation, damped track and the right parenting took me a while), I am struggling to connect Bone.007 to the hand-bone and enable the hand itself remain parallel to the ground…

As you can see, I was able to make the “triangle” setup on the right work and rotate using inverse kinematics but am incapable to get the virtual robot to act anything like it’s real world counterpart…

I hope my description doesn’t confuse to much but as the new member that I am, I am not to sure how to best describe the problem… below I attached the presented blend-file (this is a cleaned up version of my efforts so far and does not connect bones to meshes)
Looking forward to a reply!
MeArm2.blend (3.1 MB)

Here’s my approach at it. There are probably a few different ways to set it up.

MeArm2_v2.blend (422.5 KB)