Invert fCurve?

A while back I was playing with various techniques on
making audio visualizers and had a fair amount of fun
and success. I developed an automated script system
that can make all kinds of effects and displays. Now I
need to do something without scripting (I hope) but
can’t figure out a way to make it work.

I need to flip (invert) a specific fCurve so that it is all
negative values. Is there a way to do this without a
script to keyframe the whole thing? It’s a great process
for its specific use, but I’d really rather not generate
200 keyframes per frame if there’s a way to just simply
flip the fCurve upside down.

I can’t use the driver method I think, because i’m hooking
an empty to a vertex in a Bezier curve… unless i’m just
totally missing the nature of the process here.

Thanks in advance!

[SOLVED] I figured it out on my own. It actually DID
require the use of both the keyframe and the driver.
I just had everything all backwards. Got the driver
working properly to animate the empty with a negative
fCurve value, then hooked the empty to the Bezier
curve vertex. :smiley: