As long as remember, the effective order of the rvk as represented by the horizontal blue lines in the IPO window is the reverse of what’s written just to the right.
In other words, while we can read on the right :
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4
we have on the left :
____________________ (relates to key 4)
____________________ (relates to key 3)
____________________ (relates to key 2)
____________________ (relates to key 1)
I tried the obvious by dragging the lowest line up but all that happens is that I change the role of that line which then will refer to a different key, accordingly to the new position I give it relative to the other lines…
I’ve read and re-read your post and i can’t seem to understand your question. I understood the example that you gave (dragging the line to the top) but not the question (problem) that you have…
could you please clearify? If i could understand i would help you as best i could