Invisible object that can cast shadows

Hi there, my question is this: How can i make an invisible object begin able to cast shadows?
I’m actually working on a FPS where the player will be able to see his/her legs, but i need the main model (Wich will be invisible) cast the shadow, even if it’s invisible.
Thanks :slight_smile:

There are some materials settings for that, but I don’t know if they work in game.
In particular, a check box called ‘cast only’ under shadows.

I believe you can set the mesh to Clip Alpha and set the transparency to 0. That should make it invisible, but cast shadows.

EDIT: And I think those shadow casting options work, but not for invisible or partially transparent objects.

EDIT 2: Never mind, it would seem that Clip Alpha with transparency set to 0 doesn’t make for shadows.

I kind of doubt you can currently do this in BGE. would require a simple patch to fix that probably though.

Yeah, just noticed that. Anyway, this adds to my huge wishlist of features that i want in the BGE :frowning:

I believe you can set the mesh to Clip Alpha and set the transparency to 0. That should make it invisible, but cast shadows.
EDIT: And I think those shadow casting options work, but not for invisible or partially transparent objects.

EDIT 2: Never mind, it would seem that Clip Alpha with transparency set to 0 doesn’t make for shadows.

Perhaps setting the transparency to 0.001 or another low value would work? :eyebrowlift2: