I have issues with a project i work on since a while and it happened twice now and it’s harder to resolve than the first time… See, i modeled a character but when Blender updates and that i re-open the project file in the newer version, it makes so that ALL models are invisible, they’re present, visible in edit mode, but invisible in object mode. and to resolve that the first time, i did append the objects… But now i can’t append it anymore or it bugs or doesn’t load correctly… Tho, non-mesh like beziers, paths and armatures are visible. Only mesh based objects are invisible in all ways. (Alt+H won’t help. loading older versions either)… And it happened ounce, but this time i can’t append, tho i can load the project, but like the first time, models are invisible but i’d like to somehow fix it because appending just won’t do… lol…
What should i do?
if your in windows, try deleting your user preferences and downloading a zip version of blender to make sure your install isnt corrupt.
delete this -> C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation (this folder contains all blender settings, including shortcut keys, move it else where is same as delete)
i dont trust the restore factory defaults button. i also dont like installing over blender versions, manually managing zip versions is much safer.
let this be a reminder to backup your data regularly.
I’m using a fresh installation of windows 10 with all fresh set of utility software installations… I don’t think resetting settings will do as they can’t be more “reset” than they already are. Like i said, i had the same issue from blender 2.7.3 to 2.7.4/5.
What’s weird is that objects i added to that project that are more recent, on hidden layers, are visible. It’s my character and all its assets that are invisible. (Hair, clothes, eyes, dentals) everything is invisible… But objects created more recently…
I couldn’t explain the phenomenon at all… It’s as if the character had one setting in its chain that messed the rest up…
Also i managed to append my character to an empty project but as soon as i start animation (Alt A) the model disappears or at least gets invisible… And pitchipoi’s torso articulator is wrongly oriented x)
Lol by the way, you have about the same motherboard than i Encountered any issues with it?
Supply a simplified blend file that clear demonstrates the problem
I think the issue is related to bones linking… Objects gets to a ridiculous scale because bones aren’t ported well from old to new version… Tho, i found a solution which is to unlink the bones before porting from older blender to a newer version…bras.blend (6.53 MB) Here’s a shortened blend file demonstrating a linked and non-linked object in 2 different layers… Also, try unlinking the object called “bras” (arm)
Yeah that’s exactly that… Tho, it’s the second time such happens… Maybe there’s a permanent fix to prevent “clearing parent” in such projects lol Now i can view my objects… I’ll simply re-parent it all