IOU - fixed camera prerendered deremake

Think Resident Evil 2/Resident Evil 1 Remake (2002) or even older games (side scrollers). The background is more or less there to give you perspective.

Any meshes or scenes with baked textures to show?

I’m not sure what you mean by baked textures. Having the game be prerendered side-steps a lot of the traditional scene baking. Ingame shadows from meshes will be a simple blob.

Here’s a screenshot from ingame. While we have worked on this for years my teammate made clear this current build is only a few months old.

Oh I baked this film projector recently (try your best to ignore the floor pattern!).
Model on the right is baked down and could be used as 3D object ingame. Model on left is several PBR materials.

Hey man the Cycles really look Good did you know that you can achieve exactly the same results in the game engine using nodes all this Level of detail is possible but you see once you make the Game you need to optimize so that there’s no significant frame rate loss !!!

New front desk modeled and textured yesterday

A locked door…

The pool deck

Ranger station 2F

Private gas chamber

Ball room ceiling idea

Hotel upper floors

Thanks for reading.

People undermine the blender game engine i know that blender can produce exactly these results in tge Game engine however you’ll have to composite and use nodes and code for the details to function in the Game Engine however your killing the processing power that a High End needs to render on that particular GPU it looks like one might also need 4GB Dedicated Graphics in order to run this level of detail on Low settings this Is Next Gen Graphics right inside blender , so you’ll have to code and add extensions to the game engine and even create parts that the Game Enginee has never had in order to render a Game this High Quality !!!

I really like the Detail keep on working you’ll achieve what you want to achieve if you just stay focused.


Aside from the environments which mostly are turned into background images the 3d graphics for the game are quite simple. You won’t need a GPU to play this game. All CPU.

Hello again. Latest game progress, more to come!

placeholders and others:

Redoing the lodge again one last time. Not as bad as it sounds.

I love the environments, though I think there’s a bit too much specular highlights in some. It’s supposed to be dirty, so I don’t think that would look like highly polished marble.

In the video I think you need more animation blending, right now transitions between standing and running happen too abruptly. Here’s my own attempt at a pre-rendered adventure game, you can see the animations blend more smoothly.

Animations can improve still although I do enjoy the how abrupt it is, control wise we’re still going after Resident Evil 3.
Big step for us here right now and we’re at that fun part where everytime something is added it’s something that didn’t show up in those other engine prototypes. This is in-house engine iou 2017 so please forget the other stuff. No inventory system yet, that’s something that made it into the older prototypes. Next up is me updating and transferring as many cameras, artwork, depth maps, bounding boxes as possible into the game environment. Then we can begin testing the zombies. Then… we’ll be done? What?

Lol, it’s nice when you lay out some future steps and one of then is “done”.

Just out of curiosity: as I understand the character in the short clip is not really moving in the 3d scene but in a simple blocked out version that the highly detailed environments are getting projectet on right? so obviously the character wont be affected by the lightning that you would normally find in those enviorements since its all baked. Wouldn’t it be possible though to fake the lightning of the enviroments so that it looks like the character is affected by it? For example in the room above adding a bright lightsource that affects the player model when standing in front of that big screen could look really cool imo^^ is that something you are considering and if not why not?:slight_smile: Hope you know what i mean^^"

Thanks for the comment. 3d Lighting and other effects are coming next and unrelated but also fun I’ve wanted to experiment with strobe lights and things.

What you see here at moment is more of a early level visualizer/builder.

Hey, hey, hey, blenderartists. Been gone for a while, some new renders down below. Update? Well, Vexe and I had some great months in 2017, more so during the first half, and I continued to create new environments as much as I could for 1 person. My Blender modeling to > substance painter texturing to > blender cycles workflow is improving, more and more organized, less doubt in moving forward and knowing what I make will be keepers. That being what it is… there’s still only so much creativity out there in the days and nights. I know that’s not the best approach, trying to top yourself with each new ‘room’ per-say and probably being a little too hard on myself but the results when things go the way I plan or see in those beautiful images in my head, speak for themselves, right? Focusing on the lodge basements for a while now. Will update back soon.

can’t wait to see more on this! love the classic RE/SH vibes!

Yay and yes at times I will set out to make something new for this project and then laugh at how every idea is already taken AND how similar things are turning out to be concerning RE and SH, I mean,… that was the intent.

Our budget has increased and we’re still self funding everything between the two of us. Progress is progress and it happens within days and then of course we slow down again until it happens again. In August 2016 I predicted 3 more years. No comment on if we will make that deadline.

Had a nice haul on the basements since my last update. A few more forest surface trails to make so I might focus on some exterior renders for a while. I do prefer the interiors.

Throwback deli image. Note the shading:

Office stage

The way I went about creating this office level features my ironed out workflow. Where I make as few mistakes as possible while texturing everything in the room in 1 go. This image was the very first render after a few days of preparing the scene. Going forward in the level design I will try and stick to this appacoh as it’s very productive. It’s taken years though of testing in order to get my trust high enough where I’m not rendering too early in the process.

Older scene with a similar idea. Now void.

Hey again. New IOU video!

Should be another exciting year next year. Good things are happening, a little too early to go into the details. I’ll post some new artwork soon.