IPO buttons

Hi. I got The Blender Book and I am trying out the IPO curve editor thing. I think I have the basics down, but I am missing a few buttons. I realize I am running a newer version of Blender (v2.32) than the book, but I would think you can still do all the same things. So far, I seem to be missing “Constant,” “Directional,” and “Cyclic” buttons. Also I am missing the buttons that look similar to the Buttons Window buttons (ie a little globe, the vertex buttons, etc.) Please help! Thanks!


On the IPO header is a menu button ‘Curve’ with interpolate and extend submenus. I don’t know what you mean here

Also I am missing the buttons that look similar to the Buttons Window buttons (ie a little globe, the vertex buttons, etc.)


What I am trying to do, in a simplified example, is to get a cube to move from left to right. I was told that using the IPO curve thing, I can get it to slowly accelorate and then deccelorate to a stop in the last frame. You need to click on a button that does not exist on my window (none that I can see, anyway).


OK, but I don’t remember the old UI and can’t tell you where to go.

You can do that by editing the IPO curves in the IPO window. I’ll assume you used the Loc/Rot/Size option. Select the Loc IPO curve for the coordinate you’re working in and edit it just like you would edit a curve in the 3D window. Select the Loc curve by LMB the colored icons, Tab into edit mode, select a handle and move it so your curve has a more gentle slope. If you need another Key to work with you can add with Ctrl-LMB.


Heh, it’s pretty much the other way around here, I can’t remember the new UI, and I’m quite happy with that :slight_smile:

(IPO editor, good example! One simple click somewhere in the window before, now going through menus. Talk about efficiency.)

Long live instinctive-blender and the old UI! :slight_smile: