ipo newbie

lets say you have a ball that bounces

i set a key, loc/size /rotation

i’m not happy with the size x portion

can i delete that portion only and add a new one? :-?



Yes you can.

  1. Select Your object
  2. Open the IPO Window (Shift+F6)
  3. Either select Size X on the far right or select the colored line (On mine it’s an orangy red color)
  4. You can either delete the whole thing and do it over, or hit TAB and edit the IPO (Similar to editing a curve in the 3D window) to the values you want.

Hope that helps.

Alternatively, you could just go to the frame with your IPO, resize / move the ball as needed and hit I and insert the loc/rot/size key again. That will overwrite the original key…

thanks guys…

one more unrelated question

if i zoom in on the ball with the “.” key , is there a shortcut to zoom back out?




Home center on everything visible
