IPot NANO Commercial (reproduction)

Today I startet creating the Ipot nano commercial in blender.
I try to keep this thread updated as much as possible.
Thank you for watching my work!

Original-video of apple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxZ-0KbHq4E

Noël Widmer


This is what I got until now, working on it…


This is the first texture that I have created, I’ll create one for each color of the movie, because I don’t know how to use nodes so well ^^

Sorry: I’ve put my name on it, because it was a pain to create this texture that realistic^^

That will get the glass texture for the ipod

100 Samples (I know this is not a lot, I just wanted to show you the actual stage)
So this is the model with a total of 1822 verts and a subdivision surface of 2

This is my first textured model.
I seperated each part.
The screen image is from the net.

I have rendert this one here quick, for a quick overview of all the colors of the image.
I also changed the screen image and removed the glass texture, but I defintly add them again.
Next part would be animating.

EDIT: You might haven’t seen the bumpmapping on the ipods, does this looks ok to you?

Here you have a quick testrender with 20 Samples per frame.
I hope Youtube don’t kick this off their site.

The colors are a bit unintressting, I try to fix this.

BTW: screen image is from Elder Scrolls: skyrim

PS: Please call me if the link gets brocken, thx