Hello everyone, it’s been a time that does not appear here in the forum.
It is grateful for the criticism, good or not, I know there are some proportions issues and everything else, I’ll try to fix later. Then i will mount the final scene.
Yes, I modeled the helmet using only one reference image I found. I’m already fixed, but still not render yet.
The Keyshot is a nice program for small renderings, but the final scene and compositing i intend to use the blender internal render.
Nice one. One thing that looks of (AD-Edge noticed ‘it’ also) is chin piece. It is to small, and that makes him look childish. Here is more or less how correct his look:
Basically I added bigger cranium, chin moved up and added height (added 1/3 of current chin height), also move his cheeks up and back. Hope it helps.
Also on AD-Edge refernce you can see nice speculars on corners. your model lacks it because you don’t have bevel in there. Just check This to see difference
Overall great model, hope to see it improved.
i have an amazing idea!!! (amazing is an opinion but keep reading)
you should TOTALLY animate it with liveshot video and use voodoo camera tracker (which IS COMPATIBLE with blender) here: http://www.digilab.uni-hannover.de/download.html
that would be TOTALLY RAD