Is 2.25 outdated (now that 2.33 has come out)? I was just wondering .
Only if you want it to be
There are still many bugs in 2.33. Publishing features aren’t enabled yet. The collision detection is stable mostly, but it definately has stability issues. 2.33 is good enough to switch to, but 2.25 still has a lot going for it. It’s really up to you which one to use at this point, but in most cases they are identical.
If you want to use bounds other than spheres for dynamic objects, your only choice is 2.33.
If you want to make exe’s, your only choice is 2.25.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Hey Saluk, why aren’t publisher features enabled in 2.33?
sorry to ask whats probably a stupid question but with all this university work im having a hard time keeping up to date with blender developments
Keith. 8)
Because they didn’t have enough time to code and test them with the new engine before release?