Is anyone able to use Bsurfaces with Grease Pencil with any luck?

Especially with trying to TOPO shapes, I get Traceback errors all the time…

Yes day in day out

Got it set up… pain in the ass the get it working though …

I get traceback errors with just a simple flat GPencil-drawn grid

I get traceback errors with just a simple flat GPencil-drawn grid

Make a small video to show how you are using it, throwing hint like this is really hard to help. This a app and the app wasn’t develop with your ideas in mind but developer’s one. Show us how you are using it then we can help.

Sure man will do next time. Managed to get it to work somehow :slight_smile:

Last 3 or so lines of these traceback errors would make some clue what’s gone wrong. Pull down the Info window: select by rightclick, ctrl-c when lines are marked blue and paste here (marking using code tags in GoAdvanced preferably).

Oh sure, thx man. Finally got the hang of it… still not as smooth and fast as I’d hope, but gettin there…

Hey Eppo, sent you a message, could you please get back to me? Cheers.

Unfortunately haven’t gotten any yet :(.
Edit: found the msg where i did not expect it…

no I havent gotten it to work yet, I get traceback errors all the time. wish someone would tell me how to get it to work