Is being intelligent an indication of whether a person can survive in the world of 3D animation?

Hi friends

I just watched an animation short The Foolyz Show and it is so awe-inspiring that I question myself how are such ideas born into the minds of artists. All the amazing 3D works around makes me think that one needs to be a genius to come up with such a vision.

What does everyone think? Please let me know your thoughts. :slight_smile:

Creativity is a skill in itself, you aren’t born with it, with time and practice, you hone it. I’ve had many ideas over the years that when first conceived, I thought were brilliant. But now looking back, aren’t that good anymore. So it takes time, practice, and experience of life to become a good artist. Just my thoughts anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:


A good sign is that you found something awesome, meaning there is already something in you. (Other people maybe won’t notice it). It’s also fuel to go on.

Another view: One can be amazed looking at the stream of water coming out of the tap and think “Whoa, how does every drop know how to follow the drop in front”. Translated to this situation: Though indeed very ingenieus, there could be some similar process that make things look very very ingenieus but are actually simpeler than one could imagine.

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