Is down?

I haven’t been able to access the domain (builder, d.b.o, chat, etc.) since this morning and says it’s not just me. However I asked on a facebook group and people report it working just fine. Any idea what could be happening ? Does the domain redirect the user on a different server depending on where they acess the internet from (I’m at the end of the east african cable) ? and that server is down ? should I just wait it out ? I was hoping to get the 3.1.2 corrective release to continue my work safely.



nb there really isn’t a category to post this is so I hope this one is fine

I can reach from germany here.

Works for me (central/eastern Europe).

Downdetector don’t have Blender in their database, and it now only shows outage in IRS.

Thanks for double checking guys. @silex what’s IRS ?

It’s really weird… the rest of the internet works fine, but any subdomains of are just inaccessible to me. I’m at home, it’s not like my requests are being filtered or anything.

Internal Revenue Service - USA tax-collecting government body.

Can you ping from terminal?

Oh alright I didn’t realize those spectrums on downdetector represent “outage reports”, thanks for clarifying

Yeah. It looks very funny when AWS (Amazon Web Services) has problems. Suddenly all internet is red haha.

Subdomains like developer or store working for me.
May just an issue with dns cache, have you tried restart router and pc, or specially with win10 updates that running in in the background i have seen weird behavior.

It works now ! Looks like restarting my box fixed it. Or did it ? now reports the domain is online for everyone… :crazy_face:

Thanks for the help !!

Post moved from #support:blender-artists-website-support to #general-forums:blender-and-cg-discussions

So, it’s happening again. This time I immediately restarted Firefox, the computer, and the box… and it still doesn’t work. This is really really weird. Is there an email address I can contact, webmaster, something ? can someone check for me please ?


Do you have access to your router?
Are you on windows/linux/mac?

I run windows, yes I have access to my router. It’s a run of the mill dsl box : I have access to a config webpage, I assume I would have to check in there but not sure where, it’s chock full of settings…

As @rigoletto mentioned this might be DNS thing. Worth checking.
You can start by flushing your DNS cache via Terminal./Powershell:

In the same terminal you can ping Simply type “ping” without the quotes and hit Enter.

I’ll do just that, thanks for the link. In the meantime, the domain is accessible once again. It seems like the downtime lasted no longer than an hour and a half, similar to yesterday.

Edit : I tried, and will try once again if and when becomes inaccessible again. Now the link says several things that seem to indicate the DNS cache is likely not the problem :

The DNS cache affects all internet traffic on your PC, so if you’re having trouble with only one program or a single website, the problem probably isn’t your DNS cache.

and that restarting the computer would have solved it anyway :

The DNS cache is not stored as a file on your PC, it is stored in system memory. System memory gets cleared every time your computer powers off, which is part of the reason why restarting your computer fixes so many problems. It also means the simplest way to flush your DNS cache is to restart your PC.

Pinging works fine, but that’s expected since I can access it from Firefox anyway. I’ll have to retry that tomorrow, I guess…

Thanks for all the help

If it happens again, you can test to browse from your mobile via your wlan to check the way from your router is not the reason. If the mobile works the problem is narrowed down to the windows.

Is the mobile have the same issue, then your router is the cause. Try firmware update to the latest version.

Hah, good idea ! I’ll keep it warm for tomorrow. Appreciate the suggestion.