Is Blender right for me?

I design furniture and want to be able to show a short clip or animated pic (?) of a piece of furniture either rotating 360 degrees or show how it gets put together in a short animation. I then want to embed this in an email. A friend of mine told me about blender, but since I’m just beginning, will blender do this for me?

Also, I have an imac and when I was on the blender site looking at the tutorial you can purchase I did not see if it was compatible for a mac. The free tutorials seemed geared for PC’s. Is there a mac version?


Yes, there is a Mac version. Blender looks and behaves exactly the same across all platforms it supports so you can go ahead and use the tutorials made for other OSes. And it’s certainly capable of rendering turntable animations for furniture and such. Blender won’t ‘do it for you’, but it does allow you to do it yourself :). You might want to download the cycles branch or use luxrender for rendering since the internal renderer is pretty basic. Or you could purchase a 99 euro license for Octane which works nicely with blender and is excellent for this sort of thing.