I’m considering buying E-Cycles, to replace Eevee. The thing is, I don’t know whether E-Cycles is fast enough for my needs/projects.
I’m currently using Eevee solely because of speed. I need some nature scenes like this one below to be rendered as fast as Eevee (2 seconds on RTX 3070 Ti + AMD Ryzen 9 5900x), because I like to make longer animations - and I don’t like to spend hours upon hours to render a single scene. 5 seconds render time is my upper limit.
The reason I’d like a Cycles-rendering is because of shadows flickering in my Eevee rendered animations.
As you can see, I have volumetrics in my scene. How well does E-Cycles handle such volumetrics?
Hi, impossible to say without the scene but EEVEE is more like a game engine renderer. All fake but very fast.
If you don´t want to publish your scene you can ask @bliblubli in the E-Cycles thread if he can check the file but don´t publish it to anyone.
If the file is setup for Cycles I can test with E-Cycles on a RTX 2060 if you send the file with a PM.