Is html display inside a Blender window possible?

I have been surfing the web for some way to have the Blender Text window display html, or can you launch a web browser inside a blender window. Basically I want to see if I can build some basic type of help menu viewable inside Blender and be able to view tutorials inside Blender. It would not need to be anything fancy, but if it could have hot linking and jpeg display at least, that would be enough I think. I found some python web browsers, Grail and some work done at this site Both seem to use the Tkinter module. I tried to mess around with it but I frankly don’t even know if this is possible and my program ability is still very limited.

I know the text window will display a tga image. I have seen a script for that.

If someone could make this work,it would go a long way enhance learning blender.

I’ve done a scrolling text inside Blender for MakeHuman interface.

But for you this can be useful :
you can use (and improve :wink: ) it.

Download from here:

After the release of next MakeHuman version, I think
to resume this GUI development.




Without sounding ungrateful for your outstanding efforts on the Make Human Project, I would like to encourage you as strongly as possible to to keep after this GUI work you have started.

I think mthoenes is asking one of the “million dollar” Blender questions here and the implications go way, way beyond a help file.

I makes my head swim to think of the possibilities of including CGI, .swf or shockwave or any number of other html tricks to Blender.

this snippet take a html page and show it in the console

2 cc


Thank you Kino and Manuel… I will take a look at your suggestions.

Door3 said

I think mthoenes is asking one of the “million dollar” Blender questions here and the implications go way, way beyond a help file.

I couldn’t agree more…

Thanks for the encouragement. :smiley:
I think to look the MHGUI soon.


Even if it’s not practical to make a script do this, I think it might be worthwhile for blender itself to have a rudimentary html-viewing window option, now that the manual is avaliable via html–people could have the option to download blender with the manual and perhaps some tutorials included, which might cut down on the whining about newbie-unfriendliness as well as make people more comfortable with the program in general. Even though I know blender fairly well, I’d probably download a manual-including version just as a quick reference for when I forget a key or the precise steps to do something…

rivwanderer said:

I’d probably download a manual-including version just as a quick reference for when I forget a key or the precise steps to do something…

I know what you mean, I have been using Blender for 3 plus years and I still forget hotkey combinations and many tricks that I don’t use frequently. I think it would be ideal if Blender had it’s own internal html browser ( I admit that I have no idea how hard or simple this may be). I have tried Kino’s snippet
but have not gotten it to work yet. Manuel’s work is very promising (fantastic collection of GUI’s Manuel). However, what I am looking for is something that is totally familiar to the newbie. A simple web like interface with hyperlinking and image display capability. A nice welcome page for the new user with basic instructions on how to get started without having to jump back and forth to your web browser, split your screen, etc… Is this a huge problem, Not really, but sometimes it is the little things that make all the difference when you are learning something new. For those of us who use Blender frequently, a copy of the docs accessible inside blender could be a real help.

It’s not html but h@dj has a very useful welcome page for the text-window.

Look for ‘Basic Training’ at bottom left.


us old user have all the same problems :wink:
a NetworkBlenderBrowser will be a really cool features
Tuhoopu can show the console inside blender, when this option is available
in the official release, the snippet i have posted can be the start for a NBB

If you are interested in a working python browser ther’s one really simple
in the PythonCard distribution

if someone with more python knowledge want to start a project on, here or on i’m really disponible and happy to help


Thanks for the additional info. I will check it out.

Kino, what version of Blender and python did you have your snippet working in?

full python 2.2 | blender 2.25/26 | linux

not tried with the new 2.27

i test it and i write if something is changed, but it dont use any
option of blender just HTMLparse from python



a rudimentary html-viewing window option

Uh-Uh, a really fuckin sweet html viewer!

Blender does have the ability to do text and pictures in any number of ways and in any number of screentypes. What its missing is the finesse’.

Door3 - What’s your point?

How do we get the finesse’

I don’t want tp “pontificate” here so I made it short, but…I’m glad you asked.


IMHO the major shortcoming of Blender as a app. and a community is its isolation. In my case it is the particular problem of moving NURBs in and out, but I would be willing to bet that everyone here has some fundamentall issue of protocol that is lacking in Blender and stigmatizing it in their proffesional comunity.


Blender is maturing. For me it has gone from this weird free app that handles files funny, to the hub of my carreer plans.

But it lives in a world rich with standards and existing resources.

The tasks that I am beginning to to see results with in python (ie: interface , workflow, and usability) in my work is in place in a very big way already on my machine as open .swf files, CGI, (if your machine is running to fast I suppose you might want to include Java in the list) and other HTML standards.

I am way to dumb to take any serious advantage of database stuff, but I am told that there are similar issues there.

So what I mean by finesse is not the quiality of Blender (that’s huge) but the utilization of the finesse all around it…d