I guess you all know about that anatomy reference site.
I haven’t been able to connect to it since a few days now and i’m actually worried to see such a good ref pics site disappear…
Anyone’s got any news? good ones or bad ones?
I guess you all know about that anatomy reference site.
I haven’t been able to connect to it since a few days now and i’m actually worried to see such a good ref pics site disappear…
Anyone’s got any news? good ones or bad ones?
oh well… %|
that’s a shame… it was an extremly content-rich site…
Thanks for the 3d.sk link… I’ll explore it…
and the pics are small and unclickable… it’s a paysite 10 USD/month for individuals… hum… i suppose that like everyone, they have to pay for several things…
thank god…i’m feeling lucky!i downloaded few very essential reference pics from fineart.sk the day before yesterday for my current project…** hint ** ** hint **. 8).sorry to know that its no more.
I have some refs I think… the Ideal male proportions and Ideal female proportions… and the comparative between normal/fashion/hero proportions… that’s all…
Maybe this could be a collective project… A community anatomy reference pics site.
:x !!!
Guess I’ll have to scavenge on my tempariry internet files %|
Hate when this happens…
there is a big thread on this in http://www.cgtalk.com/ … ummmmm under modeling I think, some good advice etc…
anyway heres an oldy but a goody, loomis book also here.
if your looking for the front,side,back view pics, I did see them mirrored somewhere sorry can’t recall, but I have a copy of 20 females figures, from there will email if you want.