Is it me or?

Is it me or do most of the older tutorials seem incompatible with the newer versions of blender. it gets very frustrating when i update and cannot continue using the same methods when completing tasks in the engine.

thanks. jim :eyebrowlift2:

Some of them are incomaptible, yes.
For example, since the sculpting tools changed drastically, you can’t follow any “blender 2.5 alpha” tutorials about sculpting anymore.

There is a lot they have to fix in blender, and some of those things will tottaly destroy the compatibility with the previous tutorials… :confused:
I suggest the tutorial sites to redo or take out the tutorials that are not compatible.

Ah yes, this is the biggest issue right now with the new version… There’s a huge lack of documentation on a lot of things. I’m trying to catch up myself. I think most features have just been moved around (been given different commands or put in different places) but there are other things that have actually been given operational changes… (turned into modifiers or re-figured completely as a new feature or combined with another feature to reduce redundancy).

So far I’m finding it not all that difficult to learn the new system, but I was pretty fluent in the 2.49 version to begin with so it may just come easier to me than I expect it would others.

The main Release Notes page on is a good place to start. BlenderGuru, The Process Diary, and CG Cookie (not free on the last one) all have interface+version tutorials that should help. And BlenderLabrat has been doing a series on 2.5 migration on his blog.
Hopefully those are good places to start.

I’m planning on spending the next few weeks migrating myself. I’m sure I’ll run into a few things that are buggy or simply no longer exist or something like that, but so far I haven’t had too many big issues since the latest beta was released. I’m thinking of doing some tutorials myself based on the new version and putting them up on my blog in the coming months because I think there’s a very high demand for them.