I started when I was 9 years old… I left blender when I was 12 cuz
I couldn’t register to blender.org when I was under 13 so that’s why I
came here (btw I registered anyway)
I’m still 13… Damn I’m lucky…
Yo there! I’m 13 and I started about 2001… So when I was eleven. I think I downloaded it at ten but there were too many buttons :S
Hey doogs I was going to say the same thing but not quite so bluntly. Let put my age this way. I am old enough to be most of your father. I first heard about blender at a business confernce where a YOUNG MAN of 14 demoed some content that he made for a contest for the people in the seminar. His mom and dad were there with him. I took down the url and name and downloaded it when I got back home. But one look at the interface and with no included docs and I game up on it for about 8 months. I still kept it on my hardrive. One day two years ago I fired it up again and have been using it since.
That being said. Keep up the work. Your youth gives you the advantage of being able to think outside the box. You come up with a concept that most of us that are older would never thing of because we have gotten set in our way of thinking and then you go back and deduce how to get that concept accomplished. The one then that does irritate me is the geekspeek and the butchery of spelling and grammar. I mean I do not expect the kings english but I would like to be able to read a post or a page or a site without having to read it two or three times just to decipher what the person was saying because he used words like “kewl”.38lte , or dropped the last letter or two from simple words.
I know.I am not so good at English but I am learning
THX avrybody (There i live there are only me that knows abaut blender.Its so boring :-? but this forum are great
thinkin the same thing… eek, i’d hate to be his english teacher, or his computers teacher mind you.
thinkin the same thing… eek, i’d hate to be his english teacher, or his computers teacher mind you.[/quote]
i might be crazy but does nor.J look like Annie?
Let me and that I can understand a non native english speaker makeing those mistakes. As I assume NorJ is. The people I was talking about were native american english speakers that have grown up with english as their primary language.
Heh, I’m 13
haha, wow, i never knew you were that young weirdhat…hmph, i thought you were 20 something, lol! Well yeah, i started using blender 2 years ago, and im now 16…yeah, how did this post not end up on offtopic anywho?!
I use blender 2-3 hours every day at least. hehe i`m not kiding(is that normal???)
i use blender around 8-14 hours a day on the weekends…then again, im treating my current project as a professional job, and its a pretty massive game…
%| what if i could do that (8-14 hours).I can only use the computer after 5(BORING :-? ) and i go to scool and have SOO much homework
Outrageously off-topic, but…
My 2-year-old son got the hang of Blender’s short-cuts for basics - R,G,S etc, sitting on my lap making coloured balloon jpgs.
(Another 8- year old didn’t find it so interesting and stopped).
COngratulations, and keep it up
Blender to the people, whatever age.
LOOL.He have a good future
i am 12 and i started this year
Cool good luck (send me a mail if you need help or somthing or msn)
i started using blender when i was 10, so no worries grasshopper, your no more strange then the rest of us weirdos/geeks
Hey! I’m 34, I started late because there were no PC when I was 8
I figure if I can understand it, it’s good enough. Just think of how many english speaking people can only speak one language. It’s kind of embarassing, really.
I could newer live like that “NO PC”.
i found blender when i was 10 (it came on a cheap mutiy program disk)
but i found the controls way to difficult so i put it in the bin (i deeply regret that move ) but i picked it back up when i was 12 and i have been happily been blending on since then
(I’m 13 now)
I’m starting to feel like a pedophile :-? Can’t tell the young one from the old ones
I can tell you what else is normal