Is it possible that if you use Blender too much things get messed up?

You have to report these specific problems that you encounter. Only then will the develoeprs have a chance at fixing them.

I remember Maya, you go to weight paint and your model turns into the T-1000 after getting shot at the elevator.

I try whenever I can but many times I can’t as I try to reproduce a bug it doesn’t do it. Sometimes it does go wrong and reproducible. The mirror shape once was buggy and it did it every time, so then off to report it.
It’s the random ones that are frustrating.

… to tell you “yes, we know about that. We’ll fix it. Just be patient”

I’m a retired developer… I know how it goes.

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What a wholesome attitude !

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The “users” always found me easier to understand than the other geeks.

And I’m proud of that ability.

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I don’t want to be disrespectful. But what you are describing is as if you gave your auto repair shop a call and telling them: “When I am driving my car towards east and then make left turn, the motor makes a weird noise. There are some warning lights turned on. Wut?”
I am quite confident, they wouldn’t be able to help you without checking the car. The same is true here. If you are asking for help, provide a file with a detailed step by step reproduction, such that others can follow the steps and help you out. Communities such as this one are awesome at helping each other like that.

I’m not asking for help, I’m asking for opinions.

Once you have a somewhat reliable workflow for what you are trying to achieve, things are going to get a lot simpler. After that, it will likely get a lot easier to adjust your workflow, try other things out and what not.
One of the simplest ways to overcome that initial burden is by asking questions. Even though everyone has their own workflows, there are plenty of people who had similar experiences who have a way better technical understanding of Blender than you do. Use that!

Judging from this thread Mixamo to Blender, sometimes it works, sometimes fails... Why? you simply don’t have a clean workflow established yet. At least this one isn’t a Blender issue.

In my case, discovering to not use the Push Down button in the NLA track will prevent the destruction of my animations.

Cuz knowing is half the battle! G.I. Joe!