Hello I’m modelling my first project on Blender. It’s a baseball ball, I already applied the leather material on it but I’d like to add some logos .jpg. I used the UV mapping to place the logo but nothing happen. How can I do ? Do I have to use nodes ?
In the shader editor you have to (rgb)mix the leather (before it goes into the shader node) with your logo image and don’t forget the UV for the image (in example
brick texture as leather replacement):
I prefer to add an image decal and shrink-wrap to the base mesh…it gives me a lot more control over the placement and is not dependent on the UV map location…
Basic setup with an alpha image RGBA…( Only reason had to drop in an extra Mix node if just an alpha b/w or greyscale it would have been used as a factor in a mix RGB node and transparency)
This also allows the use of the original leather texture with its bump or normal maps.
@Okidoki and @RSEhlers why mixing the decal colors and not masking the decals?
RSEhlers you have put the Image output into a mixshader socket,why?
If you want a opaque decal color you should masking it.
Because, like I said it is an RGBA image…not a simple ALPHA Image…
If you plug directly to a single mix node as the factor ( which is normal for a plain Alpha ) you lose all the RGB of the Image…
You can plug in the color to the mix node and the alpha to the alpha of the principled…but you lose a lot of control over the mix of the decal and the principle and the alpha channel of the decal…
and of course, you can also do it with the Mix RGB nodes setup,
or…just to a mix shader and alpha of the principle…
I just prefer the double mix node solution, in this case…
hm ok,i downloaded the file but the textures are not included? In my download no textures in image editor preview visible,or as preview in the shader mode.
Just a hint how to mix; mix shader can use different mix modes; and of course i thoght the leater is colored by the logo… if you mask it it has not leater effect…
I just used what I had in my PBR and alpha directories…
you can masking the decal and keep the bumps.
btw have downloaded the file again,but seems its images are not stored.
ok,then i leave it for now until the op upload the file with the textures up
Like @pixelgrip said you can keep the leather bump/normal or displacement…
In my case with the shrink-wrap workflow, it’s just a matter of making a copy of the leather material and adding the overlay/logo on top. Something like this…
In this case you have to be careful of the displacement as it will effect the shrink-wrap decal as well, which you may or may not want…