Is it possible to animate/keyframe the rotation of HDRI?

Trying to create some animation where the HDRI world rotates on the Z axis. While I can do the rotation in the shader editor with a mapping node, I don’t see how to animate or create keyframes for these values. Does anyone know how to do this?

Many thanks!


Isn’t that what you’re asking for:

Thank you, it is. But now I wonder what’s wrong with my Blender since I tried that previously but keyframes weren’t appearing in the timeline. I’ll refresh my install. Thanks for the link!

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Keyframes in the timeline often move upwards and disappear. Always try a MMB-Drag down in the timeline to see if it makes them appear.

Also, you have to click on whichever shader node (probably your HDRI texture coordinate node) to be able to see the keyframes in the timeline.