Is it possible to control hair radius with a vertex goup ? (geonode hair)

I’m having trouble trying to control the radius of my hair using a vertex group. No matter which combination of nodes I try (the ones I know of, at least), all the hair strands end up with the same radius.

In this example the curves at the center of the knee should be thicker than the others.

The vertex group is plugged into a Map range so I can get the radius values I want.
The Sample Curve is here to ensure that for each spline, the control points share the same value.

The result is plugged into the Radius of the Set Hair Curve Profile group.
But it seems to assign the highest radius value to all the curves. Dosen’t matter if I use the Hair Profile group or a simple Set Curve Radius.

Yet the control points have the correct values in the spreadsheet.
Same if I check the splines’ radius after the Hair Profile group. Viewer says they all have a different radius, 3D viewport says otherwise.

I’ve also tried rendering to see if it was just a visual bug but no.
So I’m left confused.

Am I missing something ? Or is it just not possible ?

I’m using Eevee with Strip curves, version 4.1.

Its seems that is the limitation in eevee and object modes, it only works in cycles


Ah what a shame
thanks !