Hi, the question is as simple as this: Is it possible to control one single mesh with two armatures??
i don’t think so, even though a mesh can have two armature modifiers,only the one that is its parent is active…and a mesh cannot have two parents at the same time. afaik. But it can be deformed by two bones within the same armature.
Yes, you can have multiple armatures on a mesh - that’s what the new MultiModifier option is for … You can still have one parent armature and add additional armatures using vertex groups .
Just create a vertex group that the other armature(s) will deform and just input the name of the vertex group in the “VGroup” field, hit “Inv” and turn on MultiModifier for all armature modifiers in the stack …
OK, thanks, I’ll try it now!
Huh… Where is the Multi-Modifier Option? I never tried this option in 2.46… >.<