Is it possible to create a character out of multiple meshes?

Or would it be too much?

I know this sounds like a total noob question.

I’m sorry if I am spamming.

To give an example, let’s say I was trying to me make a head and face. Is it possible to form this with multiple assets instead of with one by just extruding? Is there a where to connect these altogether without it showing any seams?

Yes, it is possible.

It’s totally ok to model a character in separate objects, both ways are possible, it’s in fact easier to have multiple objects.

Hum, as you guessed, you need to find a way to get rid of seams, that’s why it’s better to have the head made of one object ( you can separate stuff like eyes, tongue, teeth) , but maybe you can try to hide the seams under the hair …

Generally , you can have head as one mesh, and depending on the model, if for example he has a shirt you only model the neck and hide it under the shirt collar. Same for the hands, ect…

By reading again your message, it’s unclear if you talk about having several objects for one character, or, while modeling joining different pieces together to form one mesh…

For the second , it’s possible but a bit tricky , because every pieces needs to connect in the end so you need to prepare them well so you can weld them correctly latter (same number of vertices, well aligned between mesh parts) . It may be less error prone to extrude parts from the same mesh, but anyway, what matters is the end result, if it look correct then it doesn’t matter how you get there …

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