I understand that if I give a bone inside to, let’s say, a sphere and set the weight to 1.0 for every vertex, I could transform the armature and that it would reflect in the shape of the sphere. But I can’t use that technique to animate a change in material for example : nevertheless it would be so nice to get an action for such IPOs that we could mix and match in NLA !
I know instinctive-blender through the development of the audio-sequencer. This is quite related to what you explain is your group on a web page somewhere behind a flash intro if I remember right. Reading what you just said though, it seems to me that your endeavour is much larger : would you care to talk a bit about it and possible incidences, consequences and other happy surprises for us the common users ?
well, instinctive-blender is my own in-house version… the reason why i didn’t do this development in the official tree is that i have much more freedom this way, it’s quicker, nobody interferes, it’s more efficient.
Anyone who wants to use it can download the source and a linux binary at: