Is it possible to create an action for other than armatures?

I understand that if I give a bone inside to, let’s say, a sphere and set the weight to 1.0 for every vertex, I could transform the armature and that it would reflect in the shape of the sphere. But I can’t use that technique to animate a change in material for example : nevertheless it would be so nice to get an action for such IPOs that we could mix and match in NLA !

Hopefully I missed something.



It wouldn’t have to work with Actions, the NLA would just have to be changed to accept IPO blocks for objects like it accepts Actions for armatures.


Would it be a big deal ?

If I ever win the Lotto I’ll stop working and become a programmer.


Don’t know :expressionless:


theeth: From my instinctive-blender TODO list:

TODO: NLA editor should show ALL IPOs


I know instinctive-blender through the development of the audio-sequencer. This is quite related to what you explain is your group on a web page somewhere behind a flash intro if I remember right. Reading what you just said though, it seems to me that your endeavour is much larger : would you care to talk a bit about it and possible incidences, consequences and other happy surprises for us the common users ?




well, instinctive-blender is my own in-house version… the reason why i didn’t do this development in the official tree is that i have much more freedom this way, it’s quicker, nobody interferes, it’s more efficient.

Anyone who wants to use it can download the source and a linux binary at:

See CHANGELOG.txt for a list of ‘happy surprises’ :slight_smile:

(The happiest surprises are already in bf, though)

Thanks Intrr

Jean :slight_smile: