I saw this on the Lightwave site:
Look at the movie on the very bottom left. Is this kind of edge manipuation possible in Blender?
I saw this on the Lightwave site:
Look at the movie on the very bottom left. Is this kind of edge manipuation possible in Blender?
Did you even read a single modeling tutorial?
In short: Yes.
For beveling edges use Bevel Center script. The other stuff is normal, but lightwave just displays the mesh a little diffrent from blender.
And that command/combination would be… ?
I am fairly experienced, I just haven’t come across this kind of thing in Blender.
Alright, I found it. Now I have another problem. When I try to use the Bevel Center script I get the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 349, in bevent
File "<string>", line 381, in bevel
File "<string>", line 118, in make_faces
File "<string>", line 88, in get_v
File "<string>", line 63, in make_sel_vert
NameError: global name 'v' is not defined
Any Ideas? I am running 2.41 on Mac OSX.3.9. Thanks,
The bevel center script that came with 2.41 has a bug. Search the forum for bevel center 2 which fixed the problem.
Thanks for that, but the Bevel Center tool isn’t what is shown on the Lightwave video. They took and selected part of an edge loop and pulled it away from it’s original location without deleting the original part of the loop. It was like they dragged part of a duplicated loop.
Could one of you kind souls watch the movie and share whether or not Blender does indeed have a similar tool? Mucho thanks in advance.
That’s the “v” key.
PS I can’t watch/download the movie – It just shuts down my web browser (firefox)
Now we’re getting someplace. That works well if want to cut a hole in your geometry, but is it possible to keep both sides of those edges attached to the rest of the shape?
It sounds like you just want to add an edge between edges? If so, you’re looking for knife cuts or loop cuts (K-Key will give you a list of options). A search on either should move you along a little further.
I think AndyD’s right, from the look of the LW tutorial - use Knife.
Blender’s Knife will cut any edges you want, its just that Blender often uses verb-object workflow, the opposite of LW’s object-verb method (at least in this case).
Instead of picking the edges and doing a bevel, you pick Knife and then point out what edges you want cut. Maybe that script is different, I haven’t used it.
Adding geometry to the neck is as simple, select the edge loop (or edges) and Extrude. But note that this is Object-Verb again :rolleyes: And if you don’t select the loop, you won’t have a smooth edge any more.