is it possible to have blender fullscreen?

Is it possible to have blender fullscreen? I mean so it goes over the bottom taskbar and start button on windows, and then the top bar with the exit and minimize bars is changed to style to fit with blender. If this is not a feature could it please be built in?


I know you can go fullscreen for Linux OS’s but not sure about Windows. What is your OS?

try to start blender with -W key. At least it works under Linux. I.e

blender -W

I use windows

try to start blender with -W key. At least it works under Linux. I.e

blender -W

I dont know what you mean:o must be only linux .

as with all windows apps, in the upper right hand corner of your window is the minimize, fullscreen, and exit buttons. to make one Blender window panel full screen, press Ctrl-Up

Yea that is one way to get it full screen technically. But he wants to so that you don’t have the task bar on the bottom or anything. Just Blender. I only found out how to do that in Ubuntu where there was a choice of windowed or fullscreen. Other than that I have no idea.

go to start>programs(all programs under winXP)>Accessories>command prompt

then type(if Blender is in your PATH)

blender -W

-W works on Windows.

If you are not sure how to run blender with a -W, the easiest thing to do is edit your shortcut.

Right click your shortcut to Blender and choose Properties.

You should see something like:
Target: “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe”

Just add the -W after the filename:

Target: “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe” -W

You could also auto hide your taskbar. Right click on it, select properties, and check the auto hide box. You will have to mouse down to the bottom of the screen to make it reappear.

Oh yes that works thanks.

-W works on Windows.

If you are not sure how to run blender with a -W, the easiest thing to do is edit your shortcut.

Right click your shortcut to Blender and choose Properties.

You should see something like:
Target: “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe”

Just add the -W after the filename:

Target: “C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe” -W

Thanks for tip. That’s good.