Hi, I’m trying to make a magic box with camera rotaing 360 around and can see only the side which camera is facing.
When i put an objects behind, its invissible but somehow it doesnt work the same way with Grease Pencil objects. Is it possible to hide it without erasing the drawing frame by frame?

backfacing-geometry.blend (1.1 MB)
Thank you in advance!
I don’t use grease pencil too much but I’ve fixed a couple of bugs in the engine code. I don’t think it’s possible what you are asking.
Grease Pencil objects are rendered using a separate engine and then composited based on the z-depth and whether faces are showing. Because of this it doesn’t know anything about the material nodes. The material node setup won’t have any affect on the compositing of the grease pencil layers. For example if you set the the front facing faces to transparent in the shader, the grease pencil engine would still see these faces as showing so will occlude anything behind.
Would it be possible to use the new line art module to generate grease pencil fill layers over the top of the object and use them as a mask? TBH I haven’t used the module yet so I’m not sure if they can be generated on an existing grease pencil object layer
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I just had a thought. You can alternatively use the holdout setting on the generated grease pencil object
Clever! that totally would work. Thank you for saving me 
backfacing-geometry-masked.blend (1.8 MB)
No problem. Thanks for letting me know it worked