Is it possible to load interface/screen setup?


I’ve spent some time with Blender 2.56 now (love it. LOVE it), and I’ve now got my user preferences (including screen configuration) set and saved just how I like them. However, I spend a lot of time opening and editing older files from Blender 2.49 or from other people who have different preferences set, which slows me down considerably. Is there any way to load all my new user preferences into an already-created file? I haven’t been able to find it…



when you load a new file on the left reset the load UI

that way it will open with your own set up instead of using the file set up!

happy 2.5

Beautiful, I knew there must be a way! Thanks =-)

There is also an option in the user preferences to deselect ‘Load UI’ which you can then save as a default.