Is it possible to make a level seamlessly load into another?

You are likely updating the geometry nodes by moving the empty every frame.

Only move the empty every time the player moves X distance from the empty, making this cost one frame every 500 frames or so while moving, and the cost goes away completely when standing still.

Saying “I answered my own question” and its a wrong answer is a little silly. *

Excuse me, are you addressing me? I am not the author of the topic and the question - I am even a little surprised because I just showed my implementation on the Range and the author of the post marked my message as a solution - although I did not tell anything about my code implementation :smile: :rofl:

I’m sorry for that. The real solution would be to wait until UPBGE gets advanced enough for this open-world design to become possible. If you tried to start an open-world game in the current UPBGE, it will crash due to an overloaded Depsgraph.

A special camera culling system like in Cycles and an automatic LOD system would also be needed that is applied globally, which would take years to roll out.

Currently, only Physics and Activity Culling exist. They do help somewhat, but only do a radius function, not camera. We should have the option for this culling on whenever the camera is viewing the object or not.

Or better yet, cull the entire scene and leave only a portion of it visible in the camera’s view. I think we should have the option to mark the objects for culling via a “Hide this object” or a “Hide when not seen” option is ticked.

I posted the solution that works like 5 times.
I am sorry to get annoyed but its like people won’t try it.

use geometry nodes - use a empty as the ‘center’ to cull stuff

when we move the empty it forces the scene to update - DON’T move it each frame.

when we are X distance from the empty move it to the player.

in games like fallout, skyrim, etc the small ‘loading’ dialog would pop up.
AAA games*

this can make the whole scene 1 drawcall / batch
so we have no depsgraph/ scenegraph hit, and a uber fast render this way.

yay, remember you are into Dune universe and when i see this … :slight_smile: looks cool ! Are u gonna had some shadows or AO baked map ? SSAO is not enough imo

thank you - yes, I’m thinking about the SSAO shader and other effects - I plan to implement shadows through a system of dual sun sources - one source will be lighting the second one will only cast shadows next to the active camera - this is necessary to reduce the cone of shadow from the sun within the player’s field of view - I am currently communicating with Naut Play about many implementations his help is very huge because I don’t know much about shaders - I can only do something with game logic, but shaders cause me problems - I have suspended the Dune project for now - although I have found a way to move a large number of units - through the flow fields it works fast enough for groups of 30-40 units at the same time they use one common path calculation map and each unit does not count paths, but I need to bake some not very successful textures again - a friend of mine at the end of summer He’s going on vacation and promised to help with units and buildings by making them into a substance paint, so maybe the Dune will be done earlier than my space project :rofl: :smile:

I use the method of selecting by mesh vertices and writing points to lists - since the engine works faster with lists than with vertices - next, I only need the distance from the camera to the position and a list with a set of stones for the first generation - these large and medium stones are then reference positions to create smaller objects around them - checks they happen all the time and objects are created dynamically at the level - if you want to create something big and with a lot of objects, you will have to write this code - or wait for the UPBGE team to fix the code of the scene, I chose the option with my own code, this gives me more control over objects and variability - I understand how everything works and I can control it completely - you need to assess your strength whether you can now make an open-world game or should you start playing simpler games for now

“you want to create something big and with a lot of objects, you will have to write this code - or wait for the UPBGE team to fix the code of the scene, I chose the option with my own code,”

You are ignoring me.

It already works you have to know how to use it.

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oh, i was thinking of making your space project based on Dune. That would be cool ! Fred is doing a game on StarWars, but i think Dune would be better for an upbge project ahah. Look , the game Dune 1 was not a rts like we know, but more like an strategic rpg … Redoing this in Range would be good

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I know about the first Dune that it was an RPG game - but I’m making a space simulator - with ship upgrades, resource extraction, travel and exploration, I don’t have a license to make a Dune game, so I’ll make a simulator and a sandbox where the player will decide for himself what to do and where to go

but the problems of scene dysgraphy remain, I know that you can add objects to UPBGE through geometry nodes, but try adding objects from megascans in an average amount and then what will be the load? I also shifted the empty one depending on the distance of the empty one to the active camera in UPBGE with low-poly models, it worked not bad, but it is worth increasing the polygons of the objects being added or adding polygons to the grid that creates instances and we will get sharp performance jumps - to values that will not be playable - you might think that I have a weak computer - no no, and once again no, I did similar instances and offsets through nanites on Unreal and got 53-57 frames there - I know that such a system as instances in UPBGE still needs to be improved - to deny this and say that it is ready and works is like engaging in self-deception - if the system spawns through geometry nodes it will create at least 2500 objects from the megascan and will lose 10 frames at the same time, I agree that she is ready otherwise this cannot be called a ready-made system - don’t get me wrong

openGL itself can’t use threading to feed stuff to the gpu.

cramming all that stuff down the pipe in 1 frame is not going to work.

who uses 10 megascans at one time in any game without using nanite and a SSD?
that is a tech demo friend.

I used models from megascan in the Range game engine - and was able to add 2500 models of landscape objects without LOD - while my fps was in the range of 56-58 when adding these objects, when the generation process was completed, I got 58-59 frames, I really like UPBGE with its shaders, but I think for large open-world games it is not it is suitable if we use realistic graphics - stylized graphics and models will probably work in UPBGE - I will just wait for UPBGE to become a good productive engine, but in the meantime I will continue to make my project on Range and wish the UPBGE developers good luck

This is actually easy created in most of game engine.
I have new info about the dynamic load but I think we should use new threads isntead of this one.