is it possible to set up frame-rate in blenderengine?

is it possible to set up frame-rate in blenderengine? I mean, if I testing game with using “P” key in blender creator.
there is two options anable all frame on and off but no set up how many fps.:frowning:



I asked this question and someone told me that there are ways to set it outside of blender probably depending on your os and gfx hardware etc. This doesn’t set a lower limit it think, if your game is too slow it won’t speed it up

Ok, obviosly you have no clue about framerates or games. Notice how the game goes slower when you have a more complex script? Well, that’d be because of the fact that the CPU and graphics card has to calculate all of that stuff, and if you have tons of faces and vertices then it’s going to run slow. If you could just say “always run at 60 frames a second” you’d have games that look like real life, that’s why you ahve to have low poly objects and all that.


also, the fixedtime thing (which is as close as blender gets to a fixed framerate) simply treats everything as if 1/50th of a second passed each frame, this can make everything seem very slow (if your actual framerate is less than 50), or possibly fast (if your actual framerate is above 50)

This doesn’t work properly inside Blender due to the way it refreshes the screen, but if you want a frame rate display inside a standalone game you can use Fraps.

thank you for your answers,
but I need amend sound rhytm like a 1/4 or 1/8 atc.
that is why I need set up frame rate exactly while I try it. Because as well blender run scripts between fps, and through this is inpossible correct sound.:frowning:

I will must always save runtime and try correction.:frowning:


Different computers will also run the game at different speeds, simply because they are able to process the scene faster.

I suggest you use a timer property to control anything that needs to be independent of the framerate.

Timer properties are the best solution, but you have to remember that the property sensor is also included in the framerate, so it only checks for that property once per frame. This probably won’t mess stuff up that much though unless you’re only getting like less than 10 frames/second.


my sollution:
game runing on 40fps, and the adjust rythm in accordance to frame. for ie.
1/1 sensor set frequency 40
1/2 sensor set frequency 20


That might work, but it won’t be very accurate, since the pulse mode on the sensor is limited to an integer.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re trying to do, but have you tried using timer property with property sensors set to interval to control when to start sounds?

I think that time isn’t much good then fps, because the script is running between frames.


time isn’t much good than?

so, say you want to run something every quarter second

you need a float property and a timer property

whenever the timer propety passes the float property (timerprop > floatprop), add 0.25 to the float property, and run the script

simple really

the same idea could be used to do something an amount of time after a sound is played, or whatever. simply set that float property to the value of the timer property + whatever amount of time you want to have pass

lastest findings

one sound can’t play again when is playing. so, if the sound is 1/1 of tone long it can’t play after 1/2 tone. You schould start new sound.

re: z3r0 d

[quote]…because the script is running between frames.

i wonder about the sound if i have one say machinegun fire sound but it’s about one second a shot could i make it repeat itself and let the previous sound of the machinegun close to let the next one play?

I don’t understand what you mean by “the script is running between frames.” Do you mean you’re using the pulse frequency on the sensor to only run the script once every so many frames?