Is it safe to Delete Compositor Nodes from a secondary Scene, when combining multiple Scenes?

Hi, Blenderfolks.

Quick question about Compositing UI in Blender.

I’m using Compositing in Blender to Alpha Blend different Render Layers Nodes (with different Render Engines) coming from 2 different Scenes. The secondary ‘Scene.002’ is a Linked Copy of the first ‘Scene.001’, and Rendering the whole thing from Scene.001).

I understand the Compositor as higher hierarchy for Rendering, and thus I’ve verified that the Compositor of Scene.002, doesn’t automate in relation to Scene.001 and vice-versa, even though it’s Linked Copy… This can be a bit confusing (since I just want 1 main Compositor Setup for my whole project), but I believe I understand the logic: it would grant just extra Compositing flexibility if, for whichever reason, deciding to Render from a different Scene: it would then use the Compositor Setup found on that particular Scene looks like. So, I thought it would be safe to just Delete all of the Compositor Nodes from Scene.002, since Im not Rendering from there and it can be confusing sometimes to be seeing (and even accidentally Editing) the wrong and unused Compositor, in the secondary Scene.002.

But, is this safe move? Because I’m experience some crashes mayhap due to Blender 4.3.0 and my AMD graphic card.


If you delete it then you may ask yourself:

  • Can you composite the scene you want to composite ?
  • Does the file get smaller ?

…then you may answer yourself:

  • Does it work ?
  • Are there any benefits ?

Or you might want to organize this while using a third scene for the compositing using the Render Layer node to get the results of your two scenes ?

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

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So anything you do in Scene02 will reflect back to Scene 01.
The render settings per Scene can be different though.

And if all fails, just open a new blend file, and comp from there with all the renders from the other file?

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Bros, @Okidoki, @RobWu,

Thanks for the contributions on the replies; gave some ideas to reflect upon; sorry for the delay.

I was able to make further tests in this Setup, and turns out it was effecitvely safe in the end. The excessive crashes were likely low-memory, graphic card errors, and possibly some Blender bugs as I’m using a not LTS version (4.3.1 now). But I was able to improve the whole Performance in the end.

The Compositors from different Scenes seem to be completely independent, and will not stack no matter what --which for me is a good thing after all. :sweat_smile:

One little disadvantage of Deleting the secondary Compositor though, is that, if for some reason I prefer to check and go into that secondary Scene (EEVEE)(instead of just temporarily changing the Render Engine on the primary Scene to EEVEE for checking), and then try (secondary Scene) to Navigate and visualize the Viewport from Rendered Viewport Display with realtime Composition output, there won’t be such extra output; it cannot just take the Composition output from the Compositor Nodes existing in the primary Scene: it can only use its own Scene Compositor Nodes! (apparently; even if my goal in the secondary Scene is just visualization and not Rendering).

Taking these new understandings into account. Now arises a simpler question:
Would there be a way to ‘generalize’ the Compositor, for all the existing Scenes, in an automated way? Or, to put in other words, make the Compositors in each different Scene match each other, like clones which auto-update, like ‘Linked Compositors’ indeed.

It’s a minute thing I know --but problems derived from it can create cascading problems in certain Workflows as it happens to me. If it’s not possible, maybe something to be Requested as a feature?