Is Object Space Normals broken in 4.0?

I re-rendered some angles in 4.0 without checking (preview differs anyway for other reasons), and suddenly my solid geometry windows came out completely black - couldn’t see into the neighboring room. I’ve been using a random color → normal map in object space with a tiny strength to indicate glass panes not always being completely accurate (inaccurate lay effect for tiles). Using the Normal Map node this way now completely breaks the refraction component; in manual setup, in glass shader, and in Principled.

Using Tangent Space Normals does work, but I have to multiply with yellow and add blue. However I prefer to use Object Space Normals because I may not have a UV channel active or whatever is there may contain garbage data for this purpose.

I cannot find any difference between 3.6 and 4.0 in respect to Object Space Normals. :confused:

I tested a few normal maps that I have, in Object Space and in Tangent Space, and they look correct, both in Cycles and in Eevee.

What are you trying to do when plugging a White Noise into a Normal Map node?

Note that Object space normals are just the object normals scaled from [-1, 1] to [0, 1]. They differ from the Tangent Space because they encode the final vector unrelated to the mesh normals, while in Tangent space, the Normal map is relative to the normal of each triangle.

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Random colors as Object Normal in 3.6
Random colors as Object Normal in 4.0
Refraction only, where it works in 3.6 (top) and completely fails in 4.0 (bottom).
See attached project, does this really work in both versions for you? File is saved in 3.6.
Normals.blend (805.3 KB)
I’m just using black → white brick color (could be voronoi I guess) to drive 1D White Noise to get random colors. Object based normals have worked for me better in the past for this purpose, as all bets are off if UV channel somehow gets corrupted, although it works in this case. I think the corruption could happen (but not always, it was a weird one) when UV channel input was exposed to a node group but no data fed to it.

It may be a bug in the build version you’re currently using…
Have you tried to use a more recent build?

In the version I’m using from 4.0 and 4.1, your file shows the same result in all options.

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Only tried with 4.0, will give 4.0.2 a try tomorrow.

Updated to 4.0.2 release candidate, but still no luck. Tried supported and experimental feature set, GPU and CPU, and tried resetting to factory defaults.

I get black in 4.0 beta and 4.1 Alpha too

Ok…I compiled Blender again, this time without any of my patches, and I can confirm the bug.

I have to debug it a bit further to find where the culprit is… because none of my changes touch the normal_map node, or any of the functions used by the node…

In fact, I’m quite surprise with the current closure results from the vanilla 4.1… they don’t match at all with 3.6, even if I manually convert the texture into the Normal vector. :confused:

Took some time today to look into this… Source code fully updated and recompiled.

The output of the NormalMap (/kernel/svm/tex_coord.h) seems correct.

What have changed a bit from 3.6 to 4.0 is the way Cycles deals with Refraction (pluging the NormalMap to a Glossy, still produces good results).

And from further testing, I’ve noticed that the Refraction is not being correctly calculated at backfacing.

Thanks. Unable to report bug at the moment even if main site is back up. Didn’t test, but I wonder if this backfacing thing also affect translucency? Or maybe this is a step to support thin walled refraction down the line?
Yeah I did notice other components (i.e. glossy) worked with - or at least appeared to, didn’t look that much into it - object space normal map, but refraction apparently worked okay with tangent space normal maps (feeding in random colors).

here’s the fix that makes 4.0 look like 3.6:

… and it makes a bit of sense, as ObjectSpace normals shouldn’t be inverted at backfaces… So probably we’ve been doing it wrong all this time. :open_mouth:

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The fix did not quite work for me in 4.0

Turning up strength to 2.25

To get it to look like 3.6 I did this (pot luck :rofl:)

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Well, it looks your luck is spot on!! :ok_hand:
Because if that’s the case, then it’s definitely a bug in the refraction calculation!

My suspection goes to a change between the Incoming ray and Outgoing ray variables (since there were some changes latetly in this matter)…

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Yeah, using reflect did the trick. Can any of you log this? The site seem to be back up, but now I’ve lost my access apparently and it doesn’t send me a password reset mail.

But at least I have something I can update my linked library with that fixes projects.

Downloaded the latest 4.0.2 RC which had this bug fixed. Although my old way don’t work, your negation of the normal map output on backfacing normals appears to work fine now. No weird reflect math needed anymore.

I just downloaded the 4.1 beta, and this one seems to behave like it used to do; random colors as object space normals don’t break refraction for the backside. I’m not seeing any updates to the tracker, nor have I paid attention to update details (still on that 4.0.3 RC update that was pulled), so I’m curious if anyone knows why this was reverted?

4.0.3 RC behavior, without the fix to make it work:

4.1 Beta behavior, same as 3.x, no fix required:

4.1 is right around the corner, so I’d like to know what I need my math library to have included and how I should treat any upcoming projects that may require this type of material.

Looks like Brecht fixed it here;