is PytTeddy still functional

downloaded pblender py teddy Yonks ago and blender people

are these python scripts still suppurted and if so how do you get them working
it was these scripts that first got me exited about blender/ now having fully worked out the interface and some of the proceses of animating creating and texturing meshes im turning my attention to functunality and python hope you can help me sort out more functionality

Blenderpeople is being actively developed by Roland Hess (harkyman). Latest release can be found here.

Ta mate but i need to get on a system where I can download to test it, and it seems i need to download a build and mysSQl will test as soon as i get new pc and home conection…

PyTeddy… What versions does it work on, Were do I put

hello again got blender people to work, some very funny fight scenes resulted with it still lookiking for pyteddy if anyone has heard of it… make human is great would to be able to create my own targets and another thing anyone have a UT exporter?

pyteddy is great, only ever got it working once about four years ago, maybe three, but itd be great to see this working fully, i love teddy!

I’d love to be able to try this plug. Does anybody know the last version of blender it worked with?

Is there anybody out there that would be willing to update PyTeddy? The author kind of abandoned it but still offered to help me get it running :eyebrowlift:. Unfortunately I’m on Windows and he can only test in Linux :(.

If you get a version, I can test it in OS X or linux or windows…

…get a version? I think you misunderstood krupa, I don’t know python.

The script author told me, he only can test the script in linux. I don’t run linux, so I can’t run the script.

I thought maybe somebody who knows python might be interested in looking at and updating the code.

-For anybody looking the scipt and instructions can be found here: